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Wall mount bottle openers are really handy and fit perfectly with the man cave decor. I was doing a little electrical work the other day and noticed that the box I was using looked like a perfect cap catcher. The $0.39 electrical box, a reclaimed piece of oak from a pallet, a bottle opener, and a little paint and you can have your very own catcher.
You can download a PDF of these instructions here: DIY Bottle Opener.PDF
Saw – To cut the wood
Drill – To drill holes and drive mounting screws.
Hammer – To mount electrical box
Electrical Box-These are called “new work” boxes and have the nails already in them. They come in a variety of colors (blue, tan, grey). You can get them at home depot or any hardware store.
Bottle Opener – You can buy them off Amazon for as little as $3.
Wood – 14” x 5.25” x .75” I salvaged mine from an old pallet.
Screws – Drywall screws to mount the opener to the wall. You can also glue rare earth magnets to the back so you can stick it to your fridge or kegerator.